Being Prepared.

With all this turmoil going on around the global scene, we must keep a healthy perspective on things, both locally and nationally. I have been seeing reports of different state militias raising their readiness levels, as well as reports that gun confiscation is under way in Ct. and Mass. Couple that with all these recent videos of law enforcement officers doing a bunch of illegal shit and operating as if they are above the law and our rights do not matter, and you are looking at a powder keg that’s about ready to blow. It is in my opinion and hopes that we can resolve this mess with out bloodshed, however, I feel that prospect looms further away as each day goes by. As a boy-scout, I was always taught to be prepared for the worst case scenario, and pray for the best case. 

We must start taking action now, so we can organize and plan and prepare as best as possible. Here are some of my ideas on the topic – 

  1. Command structure – 

                       Divided into three categories –

    National Commanders (NC’s) – 4 Commanders who control Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern states respectively.

    Regional Commanders (RC’s) –  Each of the 4 NC’s will be responsible for creating regions within their respective territories, and assigning a Regional Commander to each post.

    Local Commanders – Any local groups or militias will pick a representative who reports directly to their RC. LC’s will be responsible for organizing and assigning details for members

    Members – Will be responsible for attaining a post/detail withing their group/militia, ans report to their superior as assigned by their LC’s

  2. Create an anonymous master member list. Such a list would contain information like your code name, location, post/detail, practical skills & assets you can offer to the group and who your superior is.
  3. Create a communication network, through an encrypted VPN or some other means that is safe. Create back-ups in case something becomes compromised.
  4. Set up local and regional gatherings for training and strategy exercises. 
  5. Set up National and Regional Relations Department, whose sole mission is to recruit and work with outside organizations & countries.
  6. Set up National and Regional Treasury Departments, whose sole mission is to acquire funds and assets through various means.
  7. Set up a system of local street teams, to educate and raise money from the public.
  8. Set up local survey teams, responsible for locating and designing camps/bases.

This is obviously a very basic plan, and I made it like that intentionally, as I understand there will be differing opinions and I feel we should all have a chance for input before we adopt any official plan of action.

One of the major obstacles will be deciding who takes what positions and exactly what responsibilities each position will require. In fact there will be many hurdles to clear, but if we can unite on a national level, I believe we can be successful.

The objective is not to start an armed revolution, but to create a platform with enough clout to restore America – something we do not currently have. An armed revolution should always remain on the table as an option, but it should only be a last resort option.

We must start looking at the bigger picture, we must unite, to give ourselves a strong voice that will have to be reckoned with. We cannot underestimate our enemies, just because they are domestic. If we don’t, things will only keep getting worse and worse, and quite frankly, we owe it to our future generations to get rid of the corruption in gov’t, to stop the deterioration of our rights, and to return America to a prosperous, world leading nation.

If anyone is interested in discussing this further or working with us to make this happen, please get in touch with us through facebook, twitter, on our website or here on our blog. We must get started immediately!


The insanely stupid man running the United States Of America.

I couldn’t believe it when I read in the news that Obama had made yet another empty threat towards Russia, concerning military involvement in Ukraine. Does this idiot not understand what happens when you make empty threats, that EVERYONE knows we would never fulfill? Why does he keep making them, too? Why draw a line in the sand if you have absolutely no intentions of backing up said line. Above all, who the hell is he to tell Russia not to do something that the US does all the time?

So Ukraine had become a major tension point between Russia and the US the past few weeks, because the majority of Ukrainians wanted to see Ukraine take a deal set up with the EU, the would have led to a more westernized Ukraine. However, the now ousted President  decided to go with a Russian backed plan, and all hell broke loose. Riots and violent protests erupted in Kiev, and the Ukrainian Government started cracking down on its dissidents by literally killing them. Luckily he was ran out of Ukraine and a new interim Gov’t was put in place. The only problem now is Crimea, which has a large ethnic Russian population, who did not want to see the President ousted, and has been begging Russia to step in and get things settled. Upon learning this, Obama threatened Russia, and Putin, that any military response would be a grave mistake. This honestly disgusts me. Who the hell is he to tell Putin not to do what we have done with so many other countries. Not only that, but how could he be stupid enough to make an empty threat against Russia, to ensure they didn’t make any moves? Does he think Russia is an inferior country with no chance at ever beating the US if it came to war? Does he think they are scared of us, and that an empty threat would suffice as a deterrent? 

Is this man crazy? Does he not realize that he is tinkering with the catalyst of WW3? Does he not care that millions of lives are at stake if something were to happen? The whole world knows when Obama makes some sort of threat like this, it is complete bullshit, and he keeps doing it. Why is this man still in office? So many failed policies and so many different scandals, and yet the libtards on the left can’t wait to kiss his ass and cheer him on more then they already do. How has this man avoided responsibility for every scandal that has happened? Why won’t the media report on said scandals and do investigations? 

It’s time to start making changes… BIG changes. Obama is the largest threat to the United States of America, and I truly believe he his trying his hardest to bring us down. I’m not sure if it is time to pick up our guns and march on Capitol Hill yet, but I have lost hope that any other means will work.

So this is what we have come to. A President who has no knowledge of what goes on in his administration, who openly toys with starting WW3 because he wants to seem relevant and strong, when EVERYONE knows he is full of shit. This is a man who will sit there and lie to We The People, over and over, just to get his way. This is a man who will blame his opponents for trying to delay his shitty policies, and causing a Gov’t shutdown, and then one month later, delay his shitty policies till after mid-term elections. This is a man who said he would create jobs, but wants to raise the minimum wage, and tasks a Canadian company with creating the Obamacare website, because it his wifes college buddy. This is a man willing to pull the race card, just to push his agenda. This is a man who has violated our most sacred laws.

It is time we rise up, and oust this motherfucker, and put him on trial. It is time he be held accountable for his actions. It is time we restore our great nation to the ideals she was founded upon. We must do it so our future generations don’t have to suffer the consequences. We must Operate. We must Restore. We must, America, we must.

Voter ID Laws

You would think making elections as cheat-proof as possible would be a mutual interest in American politics. Why then, is it not? Why is the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party so much against implementing laws that would help reduce, if not stop, voter fraud?

I believe 30 states currently have some form of voter ID laws on the books, however the strictness of said laws varies greatly from state to state. Lets take a look at what states have what laws:

Strict Photo ID Voter Laws:

States such as Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Tennessee, and Texas have strict photo ID laws in effect, while Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin are waiting for their respective strict photo ID laws to take effect.

Standard Photo ID Voter Laws:

States such as Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, and South Dakota have standard photo ID laws, while Alabama is waiting for it’s voter ID laws to take effect.

Strict Non-Photo ID Voter Laws:

 Arizona, Ohio, and Virginia have strict non-photo ID voter laws on the books.

Non-Photo ID Voter Laws:

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington have non-photo ID laws on the books.

No Voter ID Laws:

California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have any voter ID laws on their respective books, and they do not require ID of any form to vote.

Notice anything? Like which categories do many of the key battleground states end up in? Also notice how as there are less laws, there are more blue states. Interesting, isn’t it? It gets better! You can do the minimal amount of research on this topic, and you will find tons of anomalies like districts that had more democratic votes then residents that lived in said district. In other districts you find ludicrous voting ratios (60,000 blue votes and no red votes.) Ratios like that can only be achieved through voter fraud or extremely severe miscounts.

The Obama admin. and the Democrats argue that voter ID laws are racist, that the laws are meant to stop people from voting and that it is to big a burden on lower class and minority voters to obtain ID. Well let us look at each argument individually.

It’s racist – This is simply false. Under voter ID laws, EVERYONE must show their ID to vote, regardless of age, race, sex, religion etc. So how they believe it is racist, doesn’t make any sense to me.

Stop people from voting – Again, this is simply false, and there are studies that already exist proving this. States with non-photo ID laws actually had 2.2% declines in voter turn out, while states with stricter photo ID laws only had a 1.1% decline. The only places where stricter photo ID laws had a negative effect was in Hispanic and Asian communities, and it is my belief that that is proof voter ID laws WORK.

Can’t obtain ID – This is complete bullshit. Thanks to the 24th Amendment, poll taxes are not allowed, thus any state with voter ID laws must provide said ID to voters, at no cost to the individual. Not only that, but only 11% of ALL eligible voters don’t have ID.

So basically, if those are all false, then what is the real reason Obama and the Dem’s are fighting so hard against such a simple and workable concept? The answer should be fairly obvious at this point. VOTER FRAUD. Without it, they wouldn’t be winning elections. Even after failed policies, economic downturns, loss of millions of jobs, and quite frankly spending the country into such great debt, of which there is no return, they manage to not only get elected, but they get elected in statistically impossible ways!

This, folks, is why voter ID laws are SO important. They are necessary to keep our election system running the way it was supposed to be run. To make sure that no single side can gain an upper-hand through malicious actions. It all seems so obvious to me, but I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so drop a comment below, and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading,


Operation Restore America

Changing my mind.

New York City is a beautiful place. I am grateful to have grown up, and lived most of my life within this stunning metropolis. For those of you who have never been here, NYC is a melting pot for just about everything in the world. I always like to say – “If it exists in this world, you can find it in NYC.” You have people from all races, backgrounds, political and religious ideologies crammed into an area about 305 square miles. That’s amounts to roughly 27,500 people per square mile, making NYC the largest, and most dense major city in the United States.

Politically speaking, NYC is considered to be a stronghold blue state. Growing up, I was taught and believed in liberal polices and ideologies, which unfortunately is the norm around here. My father, mother, brother, my extended family and 90% of my friends are liberals, and for a decent amount of my life, I considered myself to be a liberal. In fact, I was quite proud of this. It took a long time to realize that I had been indoctrinated into believing in liberal concepts and ideas. The saddest part is when I realized who and what was most responsible for my indoctrination.

You would think my immediate family had the biggest impact and would be most responsible for planting the seed in my mind, but it wasn’t them. In reality, they had the least to do with it. When I look back now, I realize that the NYC Board of Education was indeed the main culprit. We were taught in a way that made conservatism look bad, and wrong, while at the same time, promoting and making liberalism look good, and morally correct. All that being said, I do recognize the Board of Ed. was only a part of the problem. TV, newspapers and other media platforms were just as biased, maybe even more so, and had just about the same impact as school did. The main difference between the two, and the reason why I feel school was the main culprit, is because of the trust factor as well as the fact that it was a much more personalized setting. My friends, family and society reinforced what I was taught in school and through various media outlets.

This is how life was for me, growing up in NYC. To be honest, I was never really into politics until my late teens. And then 9/11 happened. At the time I was about 15 or 16, and too naive to understand the full implications of what was going on, as it related to politics, at that time. I credit 9/11 as the catalyst for getting me into politics, even though it would take a few more years for me to really develop a thorough interest in politics.

After 9/11, I double downed on my liberal beliefs due to how the media portrayed President Bush, and his handling of the situation. The fact that he couldn’t give a speech without appearing completely incompetent only made things worse. Regrettably, I linked his shortcomings with being a conservative, and this only served to reinforce what I was previously taught – that liberalism is good and correct while conservatism is wrong and incorrect.

Boy was I wrong! When President Obama began his run for office, I seriously thought the answer to all our problems was found. I thought the change everyone was looking for had been found… Boy was I wrong!

Around this time, I was confident enough to begin expressing and debating my liberal views. I thought everything I thought was correct, and to think differently was just insanity. That is until I started losing debates and arguments. I couldn’t figure out why. Everything I had been taught had made so much sense, and everyone I knew thought the same way, so how could I be wrong? I decided to win the arguments and debates, I would need proof and facts, not just theories and ideas. I credit this decision as being the turning point that would lead to my “awakening.”

Every time I would do research on a topic, looking for proof to use in my debates, I would find the proof was never there… well it was there, it just wasn’t the proof that I wanted. It was the proof that I was wrong. In the beginning I found this very hard to accept. How could this be? How could everything I’ve been taught be wrong? How could everyone I know, be wrong? Denial set in, and for a while, I stopped being interested in politics. But everywhere I looked, I kept seeing that things just weren’t adding up, and slowly but surely things started clicking and making sense. I decided to start doing research and get active and interested in politics again. But this time I decided I would do it with an open mind, and let the facts guide me. It wasn’t before long that I became a full fledged conservative. My eyes were open and my mind was awake. The more I consumed the more I realized just how wrong I was, on almost EVERY topic.

Initially I was angry, I felt betrayed and used, but most of all, I felt stupid. I couldn’t understand why this happened, and why it was still happening. I blamed my friends, my family, my teachers and society for lying to me. This is when I realized there was a very big, very well oiled machine behind it all, and that my friends, family, teachers and society were not actually the culprits, but rather they were indoctrinated just like I was. They were simply victims of this machine, and they never had the opportunity to be awakened, like I had. After much thought, I decided there was only one thing left to do.

If I had the chance to wake up and realize the truth then they could to. So I decided that I would try to help those still indoctrinated people wake up and smell the coffee. My first outlet was on my personal Facebook page, where I tried the passive aggressive approach of mass posting content, hoping people would see it realize they were wrong and wake up. After a couple weeks I realized this method just wasn’t sufficient. It was too easy for them to ignore me and write me off, as I had done when others tried waking me up. I realized the best way to go about this is to focus my efforts on those who were ready, or open minded enough, to make the change, but needed the push to get them over the hump. I created a page on Facebook call Operation Restore America, and have been working towards my goals ever since. It is a slow process, as it was for me, but I am getting results, especially now, as many people are beginning to question liberal concepts, due to a lack of results from failed policies.

I can say today, that I am blessed with a new view on life. A new understanding, that operates around facts as opposed to feelings and beliefs. It truly is a beautiful thing, and I look forward to sharing my experiences with those willing to listen.

Thank you for reading, let me know what you think in the comments!